EAHIL 2024 in Riga, Latvia

European Association of Health Information in Libraries (EAHIL) has an annual event. Every other year it has a conference format, and every other year a workshop format – although, to be fair, it is mostly the same thing in my view. This year, it was a conference year, and it took place in Riga, Latvia from 10 – 14 June 2024. The Continuing Education Courses (known as CECs) were held at Riga University on the Tuesday, and the conference itself was held in the National Library of Latvia from Wednesday to Friday.

National Library of Latvia, seen from the bridge.

The theme this year was: “Small Step and a Giant Leap: Reorienting Towards a New Environment” with the following subthemes: Shaping the Educational Environment, Research & Open Science, Libraries as change agents, Visibility & Strategic presence and Technology & Tools. The idea behind the conference theme this year was to emphasise the libraries’ role in the evolving society, and an encouragement to adapt ourselves in order to thrive, in small and great ways.

The programme was quite diverse, and there was a good mixture of oral presentations and workshops. There were also several social gatherings, and an optional walking tour of the old town of Riga.

In the following blog posts, I will tell you more about what went down at the conference, and this time, I’ll write one blog post for each day of the conference, in stead of separating the posts by content type the way I did last year. I am going to write up a special blog post for the workshop that I held with Elena Springall from the University of Toronto, though. That post will be written with Elena. Other than that, I will write one post for each of the conference days. So – if you want to hear more about my recent EAHIL adventure, feel free to subscribe to the blog or just keep an eye out for more.

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