Reading list – October and November

me with bookThere are so many new things going on at work these days that it is hard to keep up with the new literature. I have a few books and articles on hold that I will bring home with me soon. One of the books is the newly published “Pathways into Information Literacy and Communities of Practice: Teaching approaches and case studies”, edited by Dora Sales and Maria Pinto. I browsed quickly through the table of contents just now, and it looks really promising. As always, I am looking for practical approaches to teaching and assessment, and it looks like the authors have used both theoretical approaches (frameworks, critical thinking) and practical approaches (case studies, blended learning, rubrics, flipped classroom techniques) here. I am looking forward to reading more.

While I am talking about frameworks etc.. I have an rss feed to Meredith Farkas` blog “Information wants to be free”. Yesterday, a post popped into my reader. It was an answer to Christine Bombaro`s “Viewpoint article” in Reference Services Review, where Bombaro argued that the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education was elitist. I am not going to sum up their respective standpoints, but I would recommend having a look at both texts. It is very interesting the framework can be perceived so differently.

Other items on my reading list includes:

Burkhard, J. M. (2016).Teaching information literacy reframed: 50+ framework-based exercises for creating information-literate learners. London: Facet Publishing.

and some Norwegian articles on how students in secondary schools learn writing skills, and what reality they meet in higher education with regards to academic writing.

So many interesting books/articles – so little time!